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Samantha Louise Scholey

Transformational Coach
Master Practitioner of Hypnotherapy, NLP and Life Coaching
Breathwork Coach
Life Coach Practitioner
Clinical Hypnotherapist
NLP Practitioner
Yoga Teacher (In Training)
CAM Coach
BSc (Hons) Psychology with Criminology

Samantha Louise Scholey Headshot

My Story

I started my career in Her Majesty’s Prison Service running high intensity treatment programmes with prisoners who had addiction problems which progressed to management and had me moving around the country working at different prisons running their substance misuse and healthcare services.

I then moved on to be an Operations Director in the charity sector to continue ensuring that my work had an impact on improving people’s lives. 

I have always had a desire to help people and understand human behaviour, and this is what led to my love of psychology and then led me to training in, breathwork coaching, hypnotherapy, EFT, NLP and Yoga.  

I have had my fair share of challenges throughout my life, but every challenge has strengthened me, shaped me, increased my resilience and brought me to today. 

One of the biggest challenges was the unexpected and sudden death of my beloved niece Megan followed five months later by the breakdown of my marriage, the loss of my home and my life as I had known it.

This grief and loss changed my life forever and I re-evaluated everything I knew and everything that I thought was important and made some big changes physically, psychologically and mentally. 

It took me a long time to feel safe and connected to my body again and during that time I was living in my sympathetic nervous system constantly surviving, fighting, and preparing to flee and escape.

Through learning numerous healing modalities, putting them into practice, tuning inwards and being receptive to the spiritual guidance around me and working with my body, mind and soul I was able to feel safe, move through my grief and loss and find the beauty and joy in life again.

My purpose is to now help people feel safe in their bodies, calm their nervous system, learn tools to cope to be able to move through their grief and loss so that they can find a way forward and see that there is still beauty and joy in life.  

I would be honoured to work with you on your healing journey.

A few more facts about me

I am a vegan, both for the planet and for the animals. No I don’t miss meat or cheese. Chocolate maybe.

I am a book addict and have over 200 books

I am a HUGE country music fan and there isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t play a country music playlist. Visiting Nashville and standing on the Grand Ole Opry stage was a dream come true for me and a trip I will never forget.

For anyone that knows Human Design, I am a Manifestor which makes up around 9% of the population. If personalities interest you then I am an INFJ

I am petrified of E.T.

My rescue dog Herbie means the world to me

I quote Friends way too much

I am very spiritual and believe that we are a spiritual being having a human experience with lessons to learn.

Alice in Wonderland is my favourite story and I collect different versions of the book

One of my favourite quotes is ‘if you always do what you have always done then you will always get what you have always get’

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